Standing for the Freedom We Once Knew

If you were employed in Manitoba, placed on leave without pay, and fired from your place of employment during Covid-19 in 2021, you are not alone!  Hundreds of MB employees lost their careers and livelihoods, to hold onto their constitutional freedoms.  Would you consider joining us in this stand by supporting us with a donation to help cover the costs of  legal disbursements?  Our goal is to raise 60,000!  Could you support us with a donation of 100, 200, or more?  Would you consider 25 or 50 per month?  Please consider how you can participate with Freedom to Work by reaching out to our directors or send a donation by e-transfer to

Together we can make a difference!

Our Directors
WhatsApp Image 2023-09-16 at 22.49.53

Paul Coffey

Paul worked in Workplace Safety and Health at Mountain View School Division. He did not give up his personal health information and was put on unpaid leave November 1, 2021. He was terminated November 21, 2021.

Jolene Friesen

Jolene was an Educational Assistant for Hanover School Division for 18 years and Union Rep for CLAC Local 306. She did not give up her personal health status and did not test, therefore she was put on unpaid leave in October 2021, and fired on December 7th, 2021.


Cindy Friesen

Cindy was an Administrative Assistant for Hanover School Division for 14 years. She was given the choice of testing and/or being vaccinated to keep her job. She was placed on leave without pay in October 2021 and fired in December of the same year.