We stood together in 2021! If you were wrongfully terminated from your Manitoba employment due to the Covid-19 pandemic mandates, we invite you to send us your contact information to be informed of the results of this Civil Class Action Lawsuit. Together we change the future! Please consider sending a donation along with your contact information.

Our People

As representatives of Manitoba employees across a diverse range of professional spheres, we have made it our mission to advocate for individuals who have been the victims of unjust dismissals from their place of work, due to Covid-19 mandates implemented in 2021. Our team is committed to standing for the rights and protections afforded to Manitoban workers, and that no one is subjected to the unfair and unlawful actions of their employers.

Get In Touch

If you or someone you know has experienced wrongful dismissal due to the Covid-19 mandates, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help. Email us at info@freedomtowork.ca


Do you know of others (individuals or businesses) who would believe in this cause? Would you consider starting the conversation? We are looking for others to stand with us. Would you consider supporting us by contributing towards the legal disbursements and expenses of these legal proceedings. Donations can be made by sending an e-transfer to donate@freedomtowork.ca or by sending a cheque to our mailing address below. Together we can make a difference!

Please contact us by email at info@freedomtowork.ca
We’d love to hear your story!

Visit us

There is great encouragement through connections. We, as directors would love to hear from you. What's your story? Please feel free to contact us at info@freedomtowork.ca

Two of our directors live in Southeastern Manitoba, and one in Western Manitoba. Reach out and we’ll connect you!

Email: info@freedomtowork.ca

Our Mailing Address:
Freedom To Work
20 Brandt Street
Unit 3, Suite #119
Steinbach, MB
R5G 1Y2